Problem-solving Tales
There was once a terrible toddler, and everyone who lived in the same street knew just how much this little girl liked to throw a temper tantrum. She usually started early in the morning, when her mummy wanted to get her dressed. She screamed as she pulled her clothes off, and flailed her arms, and generally threw herself about the place.
Problem-solving Tales are a book series assisting behaviour management in the early years. The first two volumes of the series already published, inspire the use of tales as creative tools in parenting.
Both books are available on audio CD. Tantrum Tales is available in a multilingual, interactive form downloadable onto iPhones, Androids and iPads.
Illustrator: Csilla Gévai
Tantrum Tales

TANTRUM TALES contains a tale for parents and three tantrum stories: The Grumpy Lump, Little Miss Pyjamas, Tidying Up, and as something extra at the end, the Littlest Duckling and the Fox.
Spoonful of Stories

In A SPOONFUL OF STORIES there are three tales for picky young eaters and a story for parents. As an extra at the end, the funny tale of Sir Carrot can be enjoyed by parent and child.
The Baby Swap

Jan Ormerod's tale was translated by Judit Berg.