Carry Cats
The three little portable cats are cute toys that hardly look cats at all. They are small and colourful, with long black elastic tails and wooden beads. But children know that carry cats are in fact alive with lots of magic and tricky ideas. Whenever they click the beads on their tails magic occurs and incredible things happen. Toy horses run about the room, toy cars beep their horns and even a kittencopter flies around the city.
Judit Berg’s tales are full of action and humour that made many Hungarian children fans of carry cats, while the funny pastel illustrations of Írisz Agócs enchant all readers. Each book contains four different tales that take place in the city, at the playground, the zoo, the beach, the forest, and the circus.
Illustrated by Írisz Agócs

Carry Cats in the City
(CipelÅ‘ cicák a városban)

Carry Cats in Backpacks
(CipelÅ‘ cicák a hátizsákban)

Carry Cats at the Circus
(CipelÅ‘ cicák a cirkuszban)